
November 16, 2015

The increasing popularity of colored diamonds

This page contains references to diamonds or engagement rings from different companies. Sometimes I do receive a commission when you click on links and buy the products. Seen on the fingers of celebrities set in stunning engagement rings, colored diamonds have become incredibly popular over the last 5 years. Just as rare and desirable as their colorless cousins, only 1 in 10,000 mined diamonds has a natural color to it and the industry name for this kind of gem is a fancy colored diamond.
November 25, 2015

The beauty of the mysterious black diamond

This page contains references to diamonds or engagement rings from different companies. Sometimes I do receive a commission when you click on links and buy the products. Opulent, desirable and surrounded by an air of chic mystery, black diamonds are less known about than their clear and colorless cousins. Absorbing light to give a deeply intense look, they are prized by both collectors and those who want to wear jewelry with an unusual design. What are black diamonds? Black diamonds are the same as clear ones except for the way they have been formed. The mesmorizing color is created by […]
January 29, 2016

Unique opportunity to see famous Arkansas Esperanza Diamond

This page contains references to diamonds or engagement rings from different companies. Sometimes I do receive a commission when you click on links and buy the products. The 8.52 carat Esperanza diamond, found by a visitor to the Crater of Diamonds State Park, is to feature in a nationwide tour to show the public the beauty of the surprising and incredibly valuable find.
February 16, 2016

How to clean diamonds

This page contains references to diamonds or engagement rings from different companies. Sometimes I do receive a commission when you click on links and buy the products. Whilst diamonds may be the hardest mineral known to man, they aren’t impervious to becoming dirty through day to day wear and they can still become chipped and damaged through accidental knocks. Owning any piece of diamond jewelry will last a lifetime and will look just as stunning in the decades to come as they do the day they emerge from their presentation box if they are looked after well. The key though […]