
June 22, 2020

Are Diamonds Rare?

For those who love diamonds, there are several key features that makes them desirable; their inherent durability, the divine sparkle and their intrinsic links to romance, glamour and eternity are the foundations of diamond popularity. The story of the DeBeers marketing campaign that sparked the desire for a diamond engagement ring is now widely known – but does the appeal of diamonds rest upon a shady bedrock of smart advertising? Are diamonds truly rare? How are Diamonds Made? Understanding how natural diamonds are formed is a step towards appreciating what makes diamonds so special. Diamonds are made from carbon – […]
August 25, 2020

How Are Diamonds Made?

Diamonds exemplify something entirely unique. Aside from their symbolism within cultures across the globe, they also represent a perfect marriage of chemistry, physics, craftsmanship and art. The journey of a diamond from the earth to your finger is an enchanting one and for many buyers and enthusiasts, a little understanding of a diamond’s remarkable creation goes a long way towards understanding their enduring appeal.
December 2, 2020

What are Clarity Enhanced Diamonds?

Diamond clarity examines the presence of inclusions and blemishes present with the diamond. Too many inclusions, densely included areas and unsightly positioning of inclusions can all be detrimental to the appearance and durability of a diamond.
October 28, 2021

In-stock Vs. Virtual Diamonds: What Are The Differences?

Like any retail goods, when searching for diamonds you have two options—to peruse retailers online, or visit a diamond showroom in person. There are immediate benefits to both. With online searching, you can quickly navigate through many sellers and countless diamonds. With in-stock diamonds, ones you can see in person, there is the advantage of knowing beyond a doubt that the diamond in question is of high quality. However, not everyone is able to make it to a showroom or other physical location, so they’re left with no recourse but to opt for buying diamonds online. This results in a […]