
November 21, 2017

Diamond Sizes on Hands

This page contains references to diamonds or engagement rings from different companies. Sometimes I do receive a commission when you click on links and buy the products. When you consider a diamond purchase, your first thoughts often run to the size and the carat weight. However, this could be the point at which you make a rookie error. There a number of points to consider, not least the fundamental and often misconstrued fact: carat weight doesn’t necessarily accurately indicate a diamond’s size. There are some basic physics coming in to play here: just because of diamond is heavier, and therefore […]
August 14, 2018

What is the Average Engagement Ring Size?

Whether you are using the three months’ salary ‘rule’ or simply looking for the biggest diamond within your budget, you may have wondered about the average diamond size for an engagement ring. The size of an engagement ring is a deeply personal choice and has many influencing factors; while bigger is not always better, it is important that the diamond is of a size where it can be seen and admired. If you have already started your diamond research, you will know that cut quality has the largest impact on the aesthetics of a diamond. Once you are familiar with […]
December 18, 2019

Are Canadian Diamonds Worth the Extra Money? Why Are Diamonds from Canada so Expensive?

If you have been shopping around for diamonds, you may have come across Canadian diamonds. Often, they are branded as ‘premium’ items and are noticeably pricier than other, similar diamonds. Before paying more for a Canadian diamond, I suggest you read this full guide to Canadian diamonds so that you can decide for yourself if they are worth the extra money.