
April 15, 2017

Beware of Cheap Engagement Rings and Diamonds

This page contains references to diamonds or engagement rings from different companies. Sometimes I do receive a commission when you click on links and buy the products. It’s easy to get swept up with the excitement of it all, and diamonds, even fake ones, can make anyone’s eyes glisten. Before you know it, you could be home with a fake engagement ring or fake diamond, or you could have a real one but have paid over the odds for it. 
May 11, 2017

Top 5 Most Popular Diamond Shapes

This page contains references to diamonds or engagement rings from different companies. Sometimes I do receive a commission when you click on links and buy the products. Diamonds hold a timeless appeal that captivate and mesmerize: A certain allure cannot be grasped with any other stone, but that a diamond brings. The sparkles, the radiance, the dazzle of light, cannot be mirrored elsewhere. Their rarity only enhances their beauty, but nonetheless there are elements of fashion involved. Beyond the size, and the essential 4 C’s of diamond quality, which shapes hold the most appeal?
September 15, 2017

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost?

This page contains references to diamonds or engagement rings from different companies. Sometimes I do receive a commission when you click on links and buy the products. There is no quick answer is ‘How much does a one carat diamond cost?’ The question could be ‘How long is a piece of string?’ There are multiple variables affecting the price. However, if you’re really going to push me for a figure then you’re looking in the region of $1k to $12k. As I say, not a narrow window.
October 11, 2017

How to Tell if a Diamond is Real or Fake

This page contains references to diamonds or engagement rings from different companies. Sometimes I do receive a commission when you click on links and buy the products. This guide is designed for those of you who have a piece of jewelry you want to be sure contains real diamonds. Youcan rest assured that when you purchase a new piece of diamond jewelry, as long as you buy from a reputable dealer you are getting the real deal. This can be confirmed with the GIA, IGI or AGS certificate you’ll be able to see prior to the point of sale.